A conversation with speaker Jackie ahead of the Women in Finance Virtual Summit on October 22 2020

”Putting myself out there and recording financial literacy videos for my website and recording live video, has stretched me as advisor in ways I am truly grateful for.”


Jackie Porter, Founder, Team Jackie Porter Carte Wealth Management

WIF: Please share some of the highlights of your career since joining the industry as a financial planner and advisor.

Co Authoring a book entitled Single by Choice or Chance, the Smart Women’s guide to living longer gave me a chance to think about my legacy as an advisor and my contribution to the industry. I thought how advisors and clients see the industry and what I wanted to change about that.

Sharing my personal journey to wealth was not something I planned on doing, but as I started to promote my book I realized the importance of owning my story and how it actually helped and inspired others. It was such a lesson.

Putting myself out there and recording financial literacy videos for my website and recording live video, has stretched me as advisor in ways I am truly grateful for. It has led me to work with major companies like Apple and Shopify on building financial literacy in their respective communities.

Winning the Mackenzie Trailblazer award helped me to share my platform with other advisors and validated my journey and contribution to the industry.

WIF: Who have you found to be struggling in these uncertain times and why?

I think many groups are struggling right now. I host an Instagram live every Wednesday and have spoken to some many groups who are hurting during covid. Small business brick and mortar businesses are hurting and they are trying to pivot their business with so many headwinds- not least of which is operating with significantly less clients and not have any idea when they can fully open their business. Women are hurting because they are juggling so much. Some are simply deciding to opt out of the labour force if they did not already lose their job due to the pandemic. Keep in mind COVID has hurt jobs traditionally done by females such as in the service industry.

WIF: What advice and support would you offer?

This is a crucial time to receive real world financial advice. Advisors have an opportunity to demonstrate their value and expand the conversation beyond insurance and investments. When you consider the record debt levels of Canadian’s before the pandemic, this points to the general public’s lack of financial literacy. Now is the time to help clients with figuring out how to pay down their debt, build an emergency fund and review how they are spending their money. Help them understand what funding is available to them at this time and how to make the most of it. There is a lot on the line for clients struggling to maintain their livelihood.

WIF: Regarding your session at WIF Canada, how will you advise and encourage financial services professionals to keep pushing through these challenging times?

I think there is always an opportunity in every challenge. Women have an opportunity to lean into technology and leverage it to meet their clients where they are and also reclaim time spent they would have spent driving to appointments. With so many opportunities to engage their clients virtually, I think women can add so much value now, using the superpower they have always tapped into but not necessarily promoted wildly. They can use their empathy and listen to clients more and assume what they want less.

You can hear more from Jackie at the Women in Finance Virtual Summit on October 22 2020. To find out more and register your free place, please click here

To learn more about Jackie,
visit her website