A conversation with speaker Fiona ahead of the Women in Finance Virtual Summit on 10 November 2020”The world is moving in erratic and unpredictable ways, make sure your new skills are flexible enough to bend and adapt with these changing times”
Fiona Ghosh, Partner, Addleshaw Goddard
WIF: Your work spans law, finance & tech – what do you think will become the top 3 hot topics & priorities within these intersecting worlds in the months and year to come?
The impact of the changing needs of a global population post COVID including remote payments, data security as home working increases, infrastructure resilience including smart cities.
WIF: You are a leader in many senses of the word – what barriers have you experienced in getting to the top?
I am not sure that I am at the top! I experienced more prejudice as a working mother than almost anything else.
WIF: Do you have any advice for women trying to reskill and on-ramp into new industries?
The world is moving in erratic and unpredictable ways, make sure your new skills are flexible enough to bend and adapt with these changing times.